Smiling Butt Kit User Guide

Congratulations, your Smiling Butt Kit has arrived. You now have everything you need to configure your own customized saddle. There are really only a few steps left and we'll start printing. What will it be?

Step 1:
Getting familiar with the Smiling Butt Kit

Before you start, we must point out that the foam in the Smiling Butt Kit is very delicate and you really only have one shot to imprint your buttocks. Handle it very carefully. But don't worry, it's not rocket science. Plus, we've prepared an instructional video to guide you through the process. Please view it beforehand.

Step 2:
Butt imprint try-out (on cardboard)

You only get one shot at making your butt imprint. Don't sweat. You got this! To make sure everything sits correctly, you'll try to identify your sit bones first. Place the cardboard plate on the stool and slowly sit down. Wiggle slightly from side to side and front to back. Can you feel your sit bones? If so, hold on to the sides of the stool, straighten your back, lift your toes and pull yourself towards the stool. A training imprint of your sit bones has just been made! Lift yourself off the stool. There should be two small indents on the cardboard plate where your sit bones are. Now that you have practiced let's go to the real deal!

Step 3:
Creating an actual imprint of your butt

Let's begin the real fun. Are you wearing tight-fitting underwear? Leave the loose-fitting boxer shorts and padded cycling shorts in the closet. Put the foam in the cardboard tray on the stool. Grab and hold the sides of the stool. Slowly, with your back straight, sit in the middle of the foam. Remember where your sit bones were and aim for that spot. Lift your heels slightly - this will help you press into the foam even more and make the print prominent and beautiful. Use your hands to pull yourself into the foam, keeping your back straight. That's it! Carefully lift yourself up and admire your Smiling Butt Imprint. The impression may be shallow or deep, and it is possible that one half will be imprinted more prominently than the other. Don't worry. Our experts will handle it, and it is OK.

Only sit on the foam once! Whatever the print looks like, don't try to fix it at any cost.

Step 4:
Taking photos

Carefully slide the butt imprint back into the Smiling Butt Kit box with the imprint facing up. Close the box and place it on a table you can access from all sides. Now snap a photo of the box with the imprint from the top view and from 8 positions (as indicated in the photo). Stand next to the table and place your hands with the phone slightly above waist level. From there, you can start taking pictures. 

Step 5:
Uploading photos and saddle configuration

You're another step closer to your customized Joyseat saddle. Once we're ready to expedite the shipment, you will receive a tracking code from us. In about 4 to 6 weeks, your unique Joyseat saddle will arrive carefully packaged at your doorstep.


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