Magic Butt Balm
Magic Butt Balm
Magic Butt Balm
Magic Butt Balm
Magic Butt Balm

Magic Butt Balm

Regular price $8

A special balm with soothing and antimicrobial effects on intensely stressed buttock skin for cyclists.

Made in the Czech Republic from purely natural ingredients (also suitable for vegans)

Tested by hundreds of passionate cyclists

Free shipping when purchased with a custom saddle

50% discount on the third product when buying 3 balms or creams

Magic Butt Balm

You ask, we answer

Where and when is the balm applied?

- After cycling, apply a small amount of the balm to the stressed areas of the buttocks. Can also be used before a ride - helps prevent the formation of skin algae.

Does the balm wash off well?

- Sure, that's no problem!

- The balm does not break the fibers of sportswear, it can be used for long periods of time and repeatedly.

- After the ride, wash the balm according to the washing instructions on the cycling shorts.

What are the main ingredients of the balm?

- The balm's consistency is achieved thanks to lanolin. The effect comes from essential oils of levander, clove and thyme.

Can I use the balm as a medicine?

- No. This product is not intended to treat any disease.

How should I store the balm?

- It is best to use the balm before the expiration date stated on the package.

- Once opened, we recommend storing the balm in a cool place and not exposing it to the sun.

- The stated shelf life of the balm with proper storage in a dark and cool environment will significantly prolong its effectiveness (preferably at 6 - 10 °C).

Where is the balm made?

- We developed the balm with 1. Aromaterapeutická, a leading Czech company with more than 25 years of traditional production in the field of natural cosmetics.

- The cream is made from purely natural ingredients in the village of Kšice in western Bohemia.

Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
Milan K.
Magic Butt Balm - totálne prekvapenie!

Od tohto krému som vôbec nič nečakal, ale také prekvapenie aké prišlo... no teda! Odreniny a opuch okolo nich do druhého eliminoval o 9O%. Odporúčam natierať vždy po jazde a používať v kombinácii so Smiling Butt cream a vyhnete sa akýmkoľvek nepríjemnostiam počas aj po jazde... 5* z 5!
Vôňa príjemná, trochu viac mastné, ale za výsledok to rozhodne stojí!

Jacek J.

Works very quick and effective. Helps me not only with my butt issues ;), but also with foot fingers abrasion

Eva Celerinová

Miluju, používám po delších vyjížďkách, funguje skvěle.

Matěj Pavlík
Perfektní produkt, koupím zase

Zkušenost nemám z cyklistiky, ale z ultramaratonu, kde fungoval perfektně. Žádná vyrážka nebo iritace pokožky na exponovaných místech.

Aleš Golec

Vozili 350km v enem dnevu brez bolečin


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