Easy, right? Let's recap.
Before you settle into the foam, you'll need:
• Smiling Butt Kit
• High-resolution camera phone (set it to the highest resolution and photo quality)
• Tight-fitting underwear (boxers, briefs, underpants - in short, anything that clings tightly to the body)
• A flat stool or chair (just high enough so that the legs and body are at right angles when sitting on the foam)
Prepare the kit
Rotate the Smiling Butt Kit so the instructions are facing you. Open the kit from the right side, push the inner tray with foam from the left side and slide it out. Set the tray with foam aside in a safe place for now. Turn the empty Smiling Butt Kit packaging face toward you and peel out the cardboard plate. Now you'll practice how to sit properly.
You may think, "But that's not how I sit on my bike!" You're right. We have chosen this type of position to be able to get the best possible impression of your buttocks, including the width of your sit bones. This is one of the most valuable pieces of data we need for our algorithm.
Important notes:
• Take the set od 9 photos in a room with good natural lighting – do not use a spotlight or flash.
• Don't turn the Smiling Butt Kit during the photo shoot – walk around the kit with the camera.
• Make sure all the white guiding marks from the edge of the box are in each photo. We cannot process the photo without them.
• Don't crop the pictures or manipulate with them in any way
• Use one of the supported formats: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .heic.
And now back to online. Check that the photos are in good focus and that you can see all the white guide marks on each one. Everything okay? Great, now upload the photos to the website configurator and configure your saddle using the short questionnaire. The whole process takes about 10 minutes.
We'll ask a few questions about your bike, your riding style, and your cycling personality. We'll finish it all off with the icing on the cake of saddle personalisation. Once you've completed the questionnaire, you're done and it's our turn. First, we'll check that all your data arrived in order and let you know. And then we fire up the printer. In 4-6 weeks, you'll have Joyseat at home.
What to do with your kit?
For the time being, do not discard the Smiling Butt Kit or damage it in any way. Our experts need to check your photos from the configurator. If any of them are unusable, we will contact you and ask you to take new photos. Once everything has been successfully uploaded and you receive confirmation from us that everything is in order, you can hang your imprint on the wall and exhibit it at home as a little work of art. You'll even find a hole on the back of the box for a hook.