Václav Šňupárek: The Journey of a Diabetic Cyclist to Physiotherapy and Bike Fitting

Václav Šňupárek is a cyclist, physiotherapist and bike-fitter in one person. He started his cycling career on a mountain bike, specifically in the MTBO discipline, which is an orienteering race on mountain bikes. However, he gradually shifted to road cycling which became his main discipline. In 2018, he was diagnosed with type I diabetes. But that didn't stop Václav from furthering his cycling progress.
As he says, the diagnosis may have closed some doors for him, but it opened others. He managed to get into the Novo Nordisk development team - a team built exclusively of riders with type I diabetes. But a few years ago, Václav ended his cycling career and started focusing on physiotherapy and bike-fitting. Find out what benefits this combination of experiences brings him in the next episode of Life in the Saddle podcast.
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