FW09020105 — Digital biomechanical twin of 3D printed customized bicycle saddle, supported by the 9th public competition of the Programme for Support of Applied Research and Experimental Development - TREND. Principal Investigator: Posedla s.r.o., the project runs from 1 September 2023 to 28 February 2026.
The project titled
Development (design - computational activities) of ergonomic 3D printed grips. Using variable structures and optimized shape using SLS technologies. Company analysis followed by strategy development, digital transformation.
is co-funded by the European Union.
Project number EDIH1.5.01.2 Brain_4_Industry and 101 084 053 - EDIH B4. The Brain 4 Industry project is included in the Digital Europe Programme (European Digital Innovation Hubs - DIGITAL-2021-EDIH-01) and is primarily aimed at the creation and operation of a European Digital Innovation Hub (hereafter EDIH B4I), supported by the Digital Europe Programme, consisting in the provision of services to support the private and public sectors in their digital transformation.

Project reg. No. 0218000079 entitled "The new generation of Joyseat design - the first 3D printed saddle in the world" is aimed at advancing the design, functionality, and manufacturing process of the Joyseat based on customer feedback. The goal of the project is to design concrete demonstrations and approaches that will enable better scaling of the product, driving experience and perception of the product among customers. The project was financed by the European Union - Next Generation EU.

The project "Static and cyclic tests of the Joyseat saddle" is funded with the support of the European Union. The project deals with the analysis of the structural parts of the Joyseat carbon composite saddle by means of static and cyclic mechanical tests according to ČSN EN ISO 4210-9, non-standard mechanical tests and analyses of the volume fraction of fibres in the individual parts of the saddle.

The project titled "Furnishing the start-up facility for carbon-fiber lamination of custom bicycle saddles with 3D printed padding" was financed with the support of the Ústí nad Labem Region.

The application of an invention titled "3D printed material with variable flexibility especially for the production of sports equipment" was funded with the support of the European Union.